Please read this privacy policy before using The REAL Green New Deal Project website.
What type of information do we collect?
We receive, collect, and store any information you enter on our website or provide us in any other way. We collect the Internet protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer to the Internet, e-mail address, and computer and connection information. We may use software tools to measure and collect session information, including page response times, length of visits to certain pages, page interaction information, and methods used to browse away from the page.
How do we collect information?
We may collect site visitors’ personal information in several ways: when you send a message through one of our contact forms to subscribe to our newsletter or become a “People’s Endorser”; when you sign our “Citizen’s Warning on Overshoot and Collapse;” or when you make a donation. In such cases, we collect the personal information you give us, such as your name and email address. Your personal information will be used for the specific reasons stated above only.
Why do we collect such personal information?
We collect such non-personal and personal information for the following purposes:
To carry out our services.
To contact our subscribers with general or personalized notices and promotional messages.
To create aggregated statistical data and other aggregated and/or inferred non-personal Information, which we may use to provide and improve our services.
To comply with any applicable laws and regulations.
How do we store, use, share, and disclose our site visitors' personal information?
Our website is hosted on the Wix.com platform. Your data may be stored through Wix.com’s data storage, databases, and the general Wix.com applications. They store your data on secure servers behind a firewall.
Donations made to our organization are processed by Raisely. You can view their Privacy Policy here.
If you sign our Citizen’s Warning, your information lands in a Google Sheet after being processed by the Google Form. We will transfer your personal information to an internal Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system no later than one month (30 days) after submission, at which time we will delete it from the Google Sheet.
How do we communicate with our site visitors?
We may contact you with updates about our organization, to ask for financial donations, or to otherwise engage in our public services. We may also contact you to enforce applicable laws and any agreement we may have with you. For these purposes, we will contact you via email.
How do we use cookies and other tracking tools?
Please see our Cookie Policy.
How can site visitors withdraw their consent?
If you don’t want us to process your data anymore, please contact us.